
Ann Likes Lavender

We have the great pleasure of working for Ann Kobayashi for Mayor, and have come to know her as a solid, smart, sensible and easy going person. We would strongly recommend that you vote for her, if you haven't voted already because she would be an excellent mayor, and she would tell us the truth.

Transparency in government. It would be real if Ann were Mayor; we would know what was going on and who was being paid how much and for what. She has plenty of energy and puts up with the most amazing amount of advice givenso so much of it unsolicited.

We brought some Lanikai Bath and Body products to the office and Ann wanted Lavender. It was a good choice. Our Hawaiian Lavender is full of wonderful Hawaiian healing goodies including macadama and aloe oil. The lavender essential oil itself comes from Provence,

Our Lavender is a winner and so is Ann!

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