
We Bid A Fond Aloha

We bid a fond Aloha to John Heckathorn, who had a huge presence in our lives, although we didn't know him well.

He was a professor, a writer and a food critic. He was part of the beginnings of Hawai`i's great regional cuisine, and he definitely helped make our Chefs like Alan Wong famous. (The Obamas almost always have a date night at Alan Wong's when they are here.)

He helped the surge in agriculture and farming, making really good tomatoes a probablity (anot a remote possibility) here in Hawai`i. He helped the farmers markets spring up all over the islands.

John was a man of excellent taste, a great family man and an influential figure "on the scene" in Hawai`i for more than 30 years. Good bye and Aloha Nui Loa to John.
He will be greatly missed.

John truly was the best of Honolulu.

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