
Orange Blossom : Our True Neroli

According to Wikipedia, "Neroli oil is a plant oil similar in scent to bergamot produced from the blossom of the bitter orange tree (Citrus aurantium var. amara or Bigaradia).

As an essential oil, used in aromatherapy and massage, Neroli is considered to have a soothing effect on the nervous system. Traditionally, neroli oil was used not only to relieve tension and anxiety, but also to increase circulation and heal thread vein scars

It is a non-toxic, non-irritant, non-sensitizing, non-photo-toxic substance. More than 12% of all modern quality perfumes use Neroli as their principal ingredient.

Lanikai Bath and Body's Orange Blossom lotion, wash, scrub and butter are made with true neroli essential oil. It may be something you have to develop a (feel) for --- but for those whose nose knows neroli -- it is considered among the best!

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